What is WOGA?

Women of Global Action (WOGA) is a network of national movements encompassing over 150,000 women leaders around the world. Together, we educate and connect women to impact their world with God's love as they address issues of injustice impacting women and girls.

WOGA: LA is the first US chapter of Women of Global Action. We began in January of 2007 and we work to connect women who are passionate about what God is doing both locally and globally through women. Two of our primary goals are raising awareness and building compassion about such urgent issues as human trafficking, forced early marriage, FGM and the feminization of AIDS. We hold several forums a year with this in mind and we'd love to see you at an event! Check out our "upcoming events" section to see what's coming up next.

WOGA also has chapters in Colorado, Florida, South Carolina and Texas.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

WOGA Houston Up & Running

Bea Balbuena and Missy Barron - WOGA Houston Organizers

WOGA Houston had a great first gathering last night. 18 women gathered to learn about WOGA, to pray for the situation in Kenya and to consider their future involvement in this blossoming chapter.

They met in a local restaurant which opened its doors to them for the evening. Even the waiters got involved as one of them, watching the preparations, offered to drive home to get a black cloth for them to use as a backdrop for a video they were showing. One woman shared about a local ministry she was starting up and connections among the women began to develop as they stayed after the meeting to get to know each other better.

A leader from one of the local churches was present and invited Bea and Missy to share more about WOGA and the March visit of Peace Nihorimbere (WOGA Leader for Rwanda and Burundi) at their upcoming women's retreat. Very encouraging!

We rejoice with you on a great beginning, WOGA Houston!

1 comment:

Matty said...

I'm glad WOGA USA is coming together so well! I'll be keeping track of you via this site so keep the posts coming. It's great to see all the familiar faces and names. I guess you can count me as an official male fan of WOGA.

Matt in Ukraine