What is WOGA?

Women of Global Action (WOGA) is a network of national movements encompassing over 150,000 women leaders around the world. Together, we educate and connect women to impact their world with God's love as they address issues of injustice impacting women and girls.

WOGA: LA is the first US chapter of Women of Global Action. We began in January of 2007 and we work to connect women who are passionate about what God is doing both locally and globally through women. Two of our primary goals are raising awareness and building compassion about such urgent issues as human trafficking, forced early marriage, FGM and the feminization of AIDS. We hold several forums a year with this in mind and we'd love to see you at an event! Check out our "upcoming events" section to see what's coming up next.

WOGA also has chapters in Colorado, Florida, South Carolina and Texas.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

WOGA fights FGM in Africa

Peace Nihorimbere, Judy Mbugua

PACWA, the Pan African Christian Women Assembly, is WOGA's partner throughout Africa. One of their projects trains churches as to the harmful effects of FGM. They have put out a book and a video and are showing the video to churches and are seeing positive results.

The FGM ceremonies usually happen in December, so PACWA women go from school to school in the months prior doing camps and showing the video. They train the girls and then tell them to go home and train 7 others. PACWA women in Kenya are now raising funds to build a center so that young women who say no to FGM will have a place of refuge. So far they have raised $300,000!

For more information on PACWA, see:

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